$nav $slwiki[LlAgentInExperience] ===== Function: llAgentInExperience ===== Function: integer llAgentInExperience( key agent ); Determines whether or not the specified agent is in the script's experience. ===== Parameters ===== === agent === • key agent – avatar UUID that is in the same region to query. ===== Return value ===== Returns a boolean (an integer) that is TRUE if the agent is in the experience and the experience can run in the current region. ===== Complete examples ===== default { touch_start(integer total_number) { if(llAgentInExperience(llDetectedKey(0))) { llOwnerSay(llDetectedName(0)+ " is in my experience"); } else { llOwnerSay(llDetectedName(0)+ " is not in my experience"); } } } ===== See also ===== * $lfn[llGetExperienceDetails]