===== Function: llAngleBetween =====
float llAngleBetween(rotation r1, rotation r2)
Return the angle between two rotations.
===== Parameters =====
=== r1 ===
The first rotation
=== r2 ===
The second rotation
===== Return value =====
Returns the angle between the two rotations.
===== Notes =====
* Given two rotations $prm[r1] and $prm[r2], there is a third rotation that transforms one into the other, given by $prm[r2]$op[/]$prm[r1]. The angle this function returns is the angle of that last rotation. Therefore, it is roughly equivalent to ''$lfn[llRot2Angle|llRot2Angle](r2/r1)''.
===== Short examples =====
llOwnerSay((string)(llAngleBetween(<0,0,1,0>, <0,1,0,0>)*RAD_TO_DEG)); // displays 180.000000
===== See also =====
* $lfn[llRotBetween] Rotation between two vectors.
* $lfn[llRot2Angle] obtains the angle part of a rotation expressed as axis/angle.
* $lfn[llRot2Axis] obtains the axis part of a rotation expressed as axis/angle.
* $lty[rotation] type and operations.