Unofficial LSL Reference


Unofficial LSL reference

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Function: llBase64ToString

string llBase64ToString(string base64str)

Converts a byte sequence containing UTF-8 characters, encoded as a Base64 string, to a string.

That is, the input string is first converted to a Base64-encoded byte sequence. That byte sequence, taken as a string encoded in UTF-8, is then converted to a LSL Unicode string.



A string expressed in Base64 that represents the byte string to convert.

Return value

The string that the UTF-8 byte sequence represents.


  • Invalid UTF-8 characters and NUL characters (U+0000) that are not at the end of the string, are converted to question marks ("?"). If the string ends in a NUL character, it's just stripped.
  • Padding is ignored; parsing proceeds until the first non-Base64 character is found.

Short examples

string s;

// The Base64 sequence "4pi6" corresponds to the byte
// sequence E2 98 BA (hex). That byte sequence is the
// UTF-8 code for "☺". Therefore, the following line sets
// s to "☺":
s = llBase64ToString("4pi6"); // sets s to "☺"

s = llBase64ToString(""); // sets s to ""

s = llBase64ToString("SGVsbG8="); // sets s to "Hello"

s = llBase64ToString("SGVsbG8"); // same (padding is ignored)

See also