Unofficial LSL Reference


Unofficial LSL reference

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Function: llChar

string llChar(integer code)

Given a Unicode codepoint, return the corresponding Unicode character.



The Unicode codepoint of the character to return.

Return value

The Unicode character corresponding to the given codepoint, or a question mark "?" if the code was negative.


  • In Mono, the returned string may not be exactly 1 character long in the following circumstances:
    • An input code of 0 (zero) returns an empty string.
    • An input code between 55296 (0xD800) and 57343 (0xDFFF) inclusive returns the three-character string "???".
    • An input code of 65534 (0xFFFE) also returns the three-character string "???".
    • An input code between 1,114,112 (0x110000) and 2,097,151 (0x1FFFFF) inclusive returns the four-character string "????".
    • An input code between 2,097,152 (0x200000) and 67,108,863 (0x3FFFFFF) inclusive returns the five-character string "?????".
    • An input code between 67,108,864 (0x4000000) and 2,147,483,647 (0x7FFFFFFF) inclusive returns the six-character string "??????".
    • All other codes return a single-character string.
  • In LSO, an input code of 0 (zero) returns an empty string. All other combinations return a string of length 1. LSO allows invalid Unicode characters like codepoints 0xD800, 0xFFFE, 0x110000.

Short examples

string s = llChar(65); // sets s to the letter "A"
llOwnerSay(llChar(9829)); // displays a heart, "♥"
llOwnerSay(llChar(0x2665)); // same

See also