Unofficial LSL Reference


Unofficial LSL reference

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Function: llSay

type llSay(integer channel, string message)



Determines the channel that message will be sent on. Channel can be any integer, positive or negative. Channel 0 is open chat (also known as PUBLIC CHANNEL) Channel DEBUG_CHANNEL will send the message to the Script Warning/Error window. Messages sent on channel 0 or the DEBUG_CHANNEL, are throttled to a rate of <200/10sec, per region, per owner/user. Negative channels are typically used for inter-object communication.


Contains the text to be said


  • Text said via llSay can be heard up to 20 metres away from the PRIM the script is in.
  • message can be a maximum of 1024 bytes. This can convey 1024 ASCII characters, or 512 UTF-8 characters such as á.

Short examples

llSay(0, "Hello friends"); // Sends the text "Hello friends" on channel zero. It will appear in the chat window of any avatar within 20 meters.

Complete examples

    touch_start(integer count)
        // Send a message on a specific negative channel
        // The message will only be received by scripted objects that are listening on that channel
        llSay(-123456, "I was touched by " + llDetectedName(0) );

See also