Unofficial LSL reference

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start [2015-01-22 15:42 SLT]
sei reword to show focus
start [2018-10-11 07:40 SLT] (current)
sei minor wording
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 This is a resource for people interested in a thorough LSL language reference, with simple examples to help understanding. If you're here because you want to learn LSL, well, so far it isn't the case, but check often because that's also planned! This is a resource for people interested in a thorough LSL language reference, with simple examples to help understanding. If you're here because you want to learn LSL, well, so far it isn't the case, but check often because that's also planned!
-If the reason for your visit is to have a LSL reference, look no more! Here are the pages that serve as index for all the rest:+If the reason for your visit is to have a LSL reference ​guide, look no more! Here are the pages that serve as index for all the rest:
-  * [[lsl/|Language]]+  * [[Language/]]
   * [[Functions/​]]   * [[Functions/​]]
   * [[Events/]]   * [[Events/]]
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   * [[Types/]]   * [[Types/]]
   * [[Operators]]   * [[Operators]]
-  * [[Articles]]+  * [[Articles/]]