Unofficial LSL Reference


Unofficial LSL reference

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This is an old revision of the document!

Since this seems to be a FAQ, here is a function to return classic roll/pitch/yaw (as used by planes, for example). llRot2Euler can't be used because classic roll/pitch/yaw requires XYZ rotation order, and SL uses ZYX rotation order.

vector Rot2EulerXYZ(rotation rot)
    return <llAtan2(2*(rot.s*rot.x + rot.y*rot.z), 1 - 2*(rot.x*rot.x + rot.y*rot.y)),
            llAsin (2*(rot.s*rot.y - rot.x*rot.z)),
            llAtan2(2*(rot.s*rot.z + rot.x*rot.y), 1 - 2*(rot.y*rot.y + rot.z*rot.z))>;

It assumes SL avatar coordinate conventions (X=forward, Y=left, Z=up). The output vector has components output.x=roll, output.y=pitch, output.z=yaw.

The following is another version, perhaps easier to remember but less precise (rotations are not normalized to save memory):

vector Rot2EulerXYZ(rotation rot)
    vector result = llRot2Euler(<0,-1,0,1> * rot * <0,1,0,1>);
    return <-result.z, result.y, result.x>;

The opposite conversion can also be done in two ways, one more precise:

rotation EulerXYZ2Rot(vector euler)
    return <llSin(euler.x/2), 0, 0, llCos(euler.x/2)>
        *  <0, llSin(euler.y/2), 0, llCos(euler.y/2)>
        *  <0, 0, llSin(euler.z/2), llCos(euler.z/2)>;

and one symmetrical to the alternative above (needs normalized rotations though):

rotation EulerXYZ2Rot(vector euler)
    return <0,0.70710678,0,0.70710678> * llEuler2Rot(<euler.z, euler.y, -euler.x>) * <0,-0.70710678,0,0.70710678>;